Jun 6, 2024, 05:11 PM IST
The magnificent edge-on spiral galaxy NGC 4565, or Needle Galaxy, is a telescopic highlight in the Coma Berenices constellation.
In February 2024, it captured stunning images of Neretva Vallis in Jezero Crater, continuing its search for signs of ancient life.
The blue ion tail of Comet 12P/Pons-Brooks flows downward, while its dust tail fans to the left, with Alpha Leporis visible below. Captured last week from Namibia, the comet is now receding into the outer Solar System.
NGC 2403, a spiral galaxy in Camelopardalis 10 million light-years away, is rich in star-forming HII regions. Similar to M33, its bright stars and dusty clouds appear spiky, with tidal streams likely from gravitational interactions.
Put on your red/blue glasses to view Helene, Saturn's small, icy Trojan moon, orbiting at Dione's leading Lagrange point. This stereo anaglyph from Cassini's 2011 flyby shows Helene's cratered, gully-marked surface.
In Cygnus, a cosmic snapshot reveals a ring-like nebula illuminated by ionized gas from Wolf-Rayet star WR 134. The glowing arcs mark material swept up by stellar winds, enriching future star formation.
A recent image from Paris unveils a lunar corona, a quantum effect from light diffraction around water droplets in a cloud. Unaffected by the Eiffel Tower's blue beacon, it displays distinct colors from varying wavelengths.
A composite image from Madeira Island reveals the Milky Way's grand arch, with stars like Altair and Vega visible. The green airglow contrasts with the yellow cloud deck, offering a stunning celestial view atop the stairs.
Near the local bubble's boundary, active star formation is seen 650 light-years away in Chamaeleon. Standout features include Ced 110, Ced 111, and the Chamaeleon Infrared Nebula.